November Meeting/Newsletter

Rhody Members and friends,

Here is theĀ RFR November’14 Newsletter for Email, for your reading pleasure.
This month we are honored to have as our special guest speaker, Ms. Page Rogers. Page is a noted flyfisher, fly tyer and photographer. She will be giving a fly tying presentation and instruction for 10 lucky members who are the first to sign up (instructions in newsletter). She then will present a wonderful program on fly fishing for False Albacore.
The particulars on signing up for Page’s tying instruction, and the new striped bass rules created by the Addendum just past by the Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board, plus ‘Tips for the Pros’ and other exciting news and information, are jammed into this beautiful, award winning, sort after, ‘Rhody newsletter’!
As usual we will have our famous bucket raffles, along with some very nice fly fishing equipment for sale, plus our 50th Anniversary book and poster on the Rhody history. The coffee pot is always on (with cookies) and bar refreshments are also available.
Please come and bring a friend. The general public is welcome!
Best to you all,