2015 Summer Meeting/Fishing Schedule

We’ve come up with these locations for our 2015 Summer Fishing meetings. We will meet at the following locations around 3:00 or 4:00pm (sooner or later if you like) and fish till dark. This is open to all members and non-members alike. We will have a few small grills, (if you have one, bring it) and bring along some ‘dogs’ and ‘burgers’ and we’ll cook ‘em up. Also, bring a chair for yourself. Chips and water will be available.

MAY 14th – Bristol Narrows (in-coming) High Tide @ 5:30pm
Take Metacom Ave. (Route 136) to Narrows Road, go straight down road to parking lot at the end of road.

JUNE 10th – Chepiwanoxet (out-going) – High Tide @ 3:00pm (East Greenwich Cove) Take Route 1 to Chepiwanoxet Way, then to Oak Grove St, then to John Wickes Ave, to parking lot at end.

JULY 15th – Charleston (in-coming) – High Tide @ 8:25pm Route 1 South, (Boston Post Road) look for Charleston Breachway sign, make U-turn onto Route 1 North – right on Narrow Lane, turn left onto Matunuck Schoolhouse Rd.,1st right onto Charlestown Beach Rd., (Breachway Grill on right). Follow to end.

AUGUST 20th – Quonochontaug (QUONNY) (out-going) – High Tide @ 2:15pm Route 1 South (Boston Post Road), Exit West Beach Rd,, Follow to end.
SEPT 21st – Narrow River (out-going) – High Tide @ 4:00pm
On Route 1A, 2 miles North of Narragansett Beach. Parking lot is at bridge on East or Ocean side of road.