Rhody Fly Rodders Summer Fishing meeting is Monday, September 21st.


This is just a reminder that the next  Rhody Fly Rodders Summer Fishing meeting is Monday, September 21st.
This Meeting/Cookout with be at NARROW RIVER! (out-going) – High Tide @ 4:00pm
The directions are.. Route 1A, 2 miles North of Narragansett Beach. Parking lot is at bridge on East or Ocean side of road.
Get there when you want. We will fish till 5:00, then we will get the grills going, after that, fish till dark.
This is open to all members and non-members alike. We will have a few small grills, (PLEASE if you have one, bring it, better to have an extra than none at all). Bring along your ‘dogs’ and ‘burgers’ and we’ll cook ‘em up.
We will have bottles of water, chips, all utensils and the condiments needed. Don’t forget the onions, Ron!
Bring a chair if you want to rest your butt. Tables are available for the food, but another one would be nice if someone could bring one.
Bring a friend! Introduce them to ‘Rhody’ and the great members we have!
This will be our last cookout/meeting for the summer. October begins our regular meetings.
Let’s have a big turnout and have some fun and laughs!
It would be nice if someone would catch some fish this time! If not…we will still have fun!
See you there!
Peter Nilsen
President / Newsletter Editor
Rhody Fly Rodders
‘America’s Oldest Saltwater Fly Fishing Club’