Urgent – Voice Your Opinion

Rhody Members,

If you are at all concerned about the state or status of the Striped Bass, and are at all interested in voicing your opinion about it’s plight, then consider writing a letter to the  Ri Division of Fish & Wildlife, and to other notables that have influence in RI’s position on the new proposed Striped Bass regulations.
It is important that you do this right away, it’s probably best by email, as the meeting and deadline for comments is this coming Monday, the 16th.
Please go to Saltwater Edge’s link below and read what you can do to make your voice heard.
We as a group are in favor of the 1 fish@28″ across the board… meaning all recreational, and for-hire, fishers.  If our state doest’t adopt the one fish law, and continues the 2 fish limit, trophy hunters will coming from their ‘one fish state’, to take advantage of our fishery. The only way this will be fair is for, is for all states to adopt the ‘one fish@28″.
Written comments concerning the proposed regulations may be submitted to Peter Duhamel, Division of Fish and Wildlife Marine Fisheries office, 3 Fort Wetherill Road, Jamestown, RI 02835 no later than 12:00 Noon on February 16, 2015.
Please CC all notable persons from the Governor and DEM Director, down to committee members, as is on Peter Jenkins’ list.


Peter Nilsen
President / Newsletter Editor
Rhody Fly Rodders
‘America’s Oldest Saltwater Fly Fishing Club’