October Newsletter

Hello Rhody Fly Rodders Members and Friends,

Here is the RFR October Newsletter. You will notice I’ve included  a 2-page insert at the end of the regular 4 pages, to recap the wonderful summer fishing meetings we had from May–Sept. If you missed these great fun times, I’m sorry, because we did have some great get-togethers with good friends.
This month we’ll have a Pizza-Party Kickoff with fly tying and a ‘Show ‘n Tell’ presentation following.
Hope you all had a great summer and a great fishing season. Please come join us on October 21st for a good time, munching pizza and catching up with friends. Please come and tell us YOUR summer fishing stories!
As a side note, long time member and great supporter of Rhody Fly Rodders, Peter Jenkins, emailed me and told that his store, ‘The SaltWater Edge’ will be moving and is having a few ‘Store Moving Specials’ to celebrate the move. The web address is  http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=5ff5a6d67e95690cceca58143&id=f740bf5691&e=9b731b318f
Please support ALL of our area fly shops. They need our help to survive these big box store and all the on-line options.
Best to you all,


RFR October Newsletter