December 2023 Meeting




Tuesday, December 19th – starting at 6:30pm

• What colors do fish see?
• What colors will attract fish to my flies?

Come and find out what fish see, and how
you can be more successful in your fishing by
using the right color flies at the right time of day!

Let’s clear the air (or should we say water) about color in liquid media? What do fish
actually see in their environment that’s quite different than ours? How are true colors
and imaging affected by motion and light refraction? How do fish behave with constant
changes of the color spectrum? What do they see with objects/images under motion?
Much of the information we receive is antidotal in nature based on our observation and
experiences. Could there be a more factual scientific explanation available to help the
angler? We’ll try to dispel some of these common myths with factual based scientific
evidence to help the angler understand more fully how fish might see our world.

So, please join us on Dec 20th! There will be some great bucket raffles,
and we will have some Hot Coffee & Christmas cookies….plus liquid
refreshments are always available from Jim, our capable barkeeper!!


To view the December Newsletter click here.


November Newsletter

Rhody Fly Rodders and Good Friends,
Here is the November Rhody Fly Rodders’ Newsletter for your viewing.
This month we will be having our Annual ‘Fly Tying Meeting!’
This is the month where we all get together, bring our tying equipment and tie some flies that will benefit our charity this year, which is ‘Project Healing Waters!’ This is an amazing organization that takes our disabled and troubled veterans, and teach them how to tie flies and take them fly fishing on their local waters. There are over 20 retreats around the country that get involved with this.
We will tie as many flies as we can, and sell them at our functions and shows this winter season, and then donate the monies to this wonderful organization.
WE NEED YOU! Please bring your tying ’stuff’ and tie some new patterns with 4 of our members, or tie on your own and donate those flies to our cause. Extra material will surely be available.
Refreshments will be served.  Come tie, or come to learn to tie. Always a good time!!!
More info in Newsletter link below