April 2023 Kickoff to Summer Meeting – April 19, 2023

Please join us for our ‘Annual Kickoff to the Summer Fishing Season,’ with some Delicious Pizza from Casertas’ on the ‘Hill!’ Plus, an assortment of other food goodies…followed by a Fly Fishing Video.

We have accumulated a lot of videos over the years so we will have a voting from you members on which video we want to watch.

Please come early and catch-up with friends as we will start at 5:30 with some fly casting on the front lawn. We will have some of our expert casters there to help beginners and give some tips and tricks to help you in your fly casting! This is also the time to ask our veteran members to share their tips and advice on places to fish this summer. So be there!

Our ‘Mission Statement’ is to “Pass on to all who ask what we learn here!” So, don’t miss this informational, fun evening! We hope to see you on March 21st! We will have some great bucket raffles, plus liquid refreshments are always available from Jim, our friendly bar keeper!! Join us for what should be a very fun evening, always good conversations with some great people! Come see what we are all about.


To view the April Newsletter click here!



November 2022 Meeting

Come to the next Rhody monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 15th at 6:30PM!

Our November meeting will be our ‘Annual Fly Tying Event,’ where this year we will be tying flies for our charity – ‘REEL RECOVERY’, an amazing organization dedicated to helping men who have, or who have had Cancer, by bringing them into the peaceful world of fly fishing and fly tying.

To view the November newsletter click here.

2022-23 WINTER SEASON STARTS Tuesday, October 18th, 6:30pm

We’re starting our 2022-23 indoor meeting schedule by having
some delicious pizza, and then watching the adventures of Striped Bass as they
make their way up and down the Atlantic Coast!

So, come join us on Tuesday, October 19th, have some pizza and catch up with good friends – then enjoy a video on Striped Bass. Get there early!

To view the latest newsletter click here.

April Pizza Party!

Come join us on Tuesday, April 19th at 6:30 pm, when we will continue with our last winter indoor meeting until October. After we eat we will have a nice little video showing of ‘Fly Fishing for Stripers on Cape Cod.’ A nice look at fishing the Cape Cod flats during the sandeel hatch and a section on fishing from a boat in the famous ‘Cape Rips!’ Generally this month we would have had one of our famous ‘Rhody Cookouts’ to celebrate the coming of our fishing season, but the rules have changed as to ‘Rhody’ using the fire pit here at the Riverside Sportsmen Club. So, we will go with our famous ‘Pizza Party’ this time, and hope for a change in the rules. Again, we will have a few Great Raffle Prizes, and some fishing tackle for sale. The bottle water and soft drinks are on us this evening, and bar refreshments are available for purchase! Hope to see you there! Bring a friend and introduce them to some great people here at Rhody Fly Rodders!

To view the April Newsletter click here

We’re Back! March meeting is happening! Tuesday, March 15th 6:30pm

Tuesday, March 15th 6:30pm “Everything you ever wanted to know about the NARROW RIVER with Ed Lombardo.

Come join us on Tuesday, March 15th at 6:30 pm, when we will continue on with our winter indoor meetings. This month we will have Ed Lombardo, and he will present a look at ‘Everything you ever wanted to know about the Narrow River.’ Ed and Geno Rapa are the resident ‘Riverkeepers and fish this great estuary all year long! So come learn all the spots, how and when to fish and what flies are the most productive! We’ll have a few Raffle Prizes, some fishing tackle for sale, and bar refreshments are available! Hope to see you there. Bring a friend and introduce them to some great people.

View the Mach 2022 RFR Newsletter here.

November 2021 Meeting

Our November meeting will be our ‘Annual Fly Tying Event, where this year we will be trying to tie flies for this year’s charity – ‘Project Healing Waters’, an amazing organization dedicated to helping our wounded veterans heal their bodies and minds, by bringing them into the peaceful world of fly fishing and fly tying. . These retreats are run by professional facilitators and expert fly fishing instructors. They provide a safe reflective environment, expert fly fishing instruction, all at no cost. Truly a worthy cause. PLEASE join us for this fly tying meeting.

View the November 2021 Newsletter

April Meeting Canceled – Next Indoor Meeting – October 20, 2020

Due to this Coronavirus pandemic, we are officially cancelling our April Meeting.
I think we all knew that this would be the case as this dreaded virus continues to
spread and get worse, so the experts have asked all to sequester at home!
Lately more and more sequestering is taking place, and I hope you all are following
all the guidelines that will keep all you ‘old guys’ safe! I kid, but to have a meeting
with mostly members that are 50-85 years old, doesn’t make sense

View the April newsletter here.




March Meeting Cancelled

Rhody Fly Rodders and Friends,

We hate to bow to this growing hysteria, but due to the exploding circumstances that developed yesterday as to this Coronavirus, the board of directors of Rhody Fly Rodders has decided to heed the warnings and cancel this coming March meeting on Tuesday, March 17th.
As most of us fall into the ‘age warning category,’ we think it would be better not to take chances having 40 or so older folks crowded in a small room.
As a side note, the ‘Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association’ has cancelled their New England Fishing Show that was to take place on March 27th, 28th, 29th. 
We hope you stay well, and take all precautions to prevent the spread of this virus.
Please relay this information to other members that you know, that may not use email.
Till next month!